
How to Model Beauty Pageant Evening Gowns

Practice makes perfect. Practice anytime you feel is important, practice with your heels on, practice with them off, practice with you hair done, practice with your dress on.

 You don't have to do all those things when practicing its optional but if you want to you can. 3Walk. when doing all your aniia dresses for special occasion walk the most common walk would be to start with a model posture whichever one you feel right with you can do either your right or left model posture.

 the second step would be to walk one foot in front of the other until you get to the midst of the runway that's when you go in a slow wide circle when your finished with that you keep going one foot in front of the other until your at the end of the runway.

 when your at the end of the runway you do another posture of the one you started with Example: (you start with your right posture at the end of the runway you would start a left posture)then you turn back you do the same walking the runway one foot in front of the other and to end the walk when your back where you started you end with the same posture you started with. There are different kinds of stances they call them model stances you either start a right or left model posture or you could start a open right or left model posture.

 If you don't know what a model posture is you should look it up on the internet because its not an option not to do it. the other very important thing about walking the runway is to never let your eyes leave the audience always smile and have a good healthy posture is a must! Don't sweat it. Even if you trip don't worry it will be fine. If you observed Miss USA this year, Miss Mich tripped and still got the title. So if you trip on accident have a good attitude and just get back up and finish your walk.

